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Message Commands List

List of all message commands available in the bot.

The prefix for the bot is ) or m! or minato
i.e. either of following would work
minato help

Also by mentioning Minato you invoke commands i.e.
@Minato Namikaze help

And in DM's only m! works i.e. only m!help in DM's

Use ")help command" for more info on a command.
Use ")help category" for more info on a category.
Use the dropdown menu below to select a category.

Support Server
For more help, consider joining the official server over at

How do I use this bot?
Reading the bot signature is pretty simple.

This means the argument is required.

This means the argument is optional.

This means that it can be either A or B.

This means you can have multiple arguments.

Now that you know the basics, it should be noted that...
You do not type in the brackets!

Shinobi Match

An amazing shinobi match with your friends

- match

Play shinobi match with your friends using the characters from Naruto Verse

Parameters Required: opponent

Usage: [prefix]match <opponent.mention>

Aliases: shinobi_match, matchwith, shinobimatch, match_with


Create polls

- polltime

Create polls easily

Aliases: poll, polls

- tally

Get polls results

Parameters Required: poll_id

Usage: [prefix]tally <poll id>

Aliases: result, results

- quickpoll

Makes a poll quickly.

Parameters Required: questions_and_choices

Anime, Manga and Waifu

Some anime, manga and waifu related commands

- animesearch

Searches Anime from MAL and displays the first 10 search result.

Parameters Required: anime_name

Usage: [prefix]animesearch <>

Aliases: anisearch, animesearchbyname, anime_search_by_name, searchanime, searchani

- aboutanime

Displays about the anime using the MAL ANIME ID. get it by using animesearch command.

Parameters Required: mal_id

Usage: [prefix]aboutanime <>

Aliases: aniabout, animeabout, anime_about_by_mal_id, knowanime, aboutani, anime

- mangasearch

Searches Manga from MAL and displays the first 10 search result.

Parameters Required: manga_name

Usage: [prefix]mangasearch <>

Aliases: magsearch, mangasearchbyname, manga_search_by_name, searchmanga, searchmag

- aboutmanga

Displays about the manga using the MAL MANGA ID. get it by using mangasearch command.

Parameters Required: mal_id

Usage: [prefix]aboutmanga <>

Aliases: magabout, mangaabout, manga_about_by_mal_id, knowmanga, aboutmag, manga

- waifu

Get random waifu and marry them! UwU!

Aliases: w, wfu, wa

- whosthatpokemon

Play Who’s That Pokemon?

Aliases: wtp, whatsthatpokemon


Get some kawai pictures of the vocaloids.

- rin

Rin kawai picture

- una

Una kawai picture

- gumi

Gumi kawai picture

- ia

Ia kawai picture

- luka

Luka kawai picture

- fukase

Fukase kawai picture

- miku

Hatsune Miku kawai picture

- len

Len kawai picture

- kaito

Kaito kawai picture

- teto

Teto kawai picture

- meiko

Meiko kawai picture

- yukari

Yukari kawai picture

- miki

Miki kawai picture

- lily

Lily kawai picture

- mayu

Mayu kawai picture

- aoki

Aoki kawai picture

- zola

Zola kawai picture

- diva

Random picturs from Project Diva


Get invites information about the server

- invitestats

Displays the top 10 most used invites in the guild.

My Support

Having problems with me? Then you can get the help here.

- vote

Get all the voting links

- about

Tells you information about the bot itself.

Aliases: stats

- inviteme

Generates my invite link for your server

Aliases: invite

- supportserver

Generates my support server invite

- privacy

Get the Privacy Policy

- ping

Get the Latency

- source

Displays my full source code or for a specific command.

Parameters Required: command


Get’s the Information about the server

- avatar

Get the avatar of you or someone else

Parameters Required: user

- joinedat

Check when a user joined the current server

Parameters Required: user

- server

Check info about current server

Aliases: serverinfo

- server_icon

Parent: server

Get the current server icon

Aliases: icon

- banner

Parent: server

Get the current banner image

- user

Get user information

Parameters Required: user

Aliases: whois, who, userinfo


“Snipes” someone’s message that’s been edited or deleted.

- snipe

“Snipes” someone’s message that’s been edited or deleted.


Displays the support command for the server, this can only be used if the owner has enabled it

- support

Open support ticket if enabled by the server admins

- resolved

Resolves the existing ticket!

Parameters Required: member

Usage: [prefix]resolved <member.mention>

Aliases: resolve, resolves

- chksupreq

Checks who still requires the support.

Aliases: check_who_require_support, cksupreq, supreq, sup_req, checksupport, check_support

- feedback

Sends your feedback about the server to the server owner. (This can only be done if it is enabled by the server admin)

Parameters Required: feed


Get weather data from

- weather

Display weather in a given location

Parameters Required: location

Aliases: we

- co

Parent: weather

Display weather in a given location

Parameters Required: lat, lon

Aliases: coords, coordinates

- zip

Parent: weather

Display weather in a given location

Parameters Required: zipcode

- cityid

Parent: weather

Display weather in a given location

Parameters Required: cityid


Convert messages into fun encodings

- charinfo

Shows you information about a number of characters.

Parameters Required: characters

- hash

Various hashing commands

- md5

Parent: hash

MD5 Encrypt Text

Parameters Required: txt

- sha1

Parent: hash

SHA1 Encrypt Text

Parameters Required: txt

- sha256

Parent: hash

SHA256 Encrypt Text

Parameters Required: txt

- sha512

Parent: hash

SHA512 Encrypt Text

Parameters Required: txt

- encode

Encode a string.

- rot

Parent: encode

Encode a caeser cipher message with specified key

Parameters Required: rot_key, message

Aliases: caeser

- braille

Parent: encode

Encode text into braille unicode characters

Parameters Required: message

- b16

Parent: encode

Encode text into base 16

Parameters Required: message

Aliases: base16

- b64

Parent: encode

Encode text into base 64

Parameters Required: message

Aliases: base64

- hex

Parent: encode

Encode text into hexadecimal

Parameters Required: message

- b32

Parent: encode

Encode text into base 32

Parameters Required: message

Aliases: base32

- chr

Parent: encode

Encode message into character numbers

Parameters Required: message

Aliases: character

- dna

Parent: encode

Encodes a string into DNA 4 byte ACGT format

Parameters Required: message

- binary

Parent: encode

Encode text into binary sequences of 8

Parameters Required: message

- decode

Decode a string.

- b32

Parent: decode

Decode base32 text

Parameters Required: message

Aliases: base32

- chr

Parent: decode

Decode character numbers to a message

Parameters Required: message

Aliases: character

- binary

Parent: decode

Decode binary sequences of 8

Parameters Required: message

- b16

Parent: decode

Decode base16 text

Parameters Required: message

Aliases: base16

- rot

Parent: decode

Decode a caeser cipher message with specified key

Parameters Required: rot_key, message

Aliases: caeser

- b64

Parent: decode

Decode base 64 text

Parameters Required: message

Aliases: base64

- braille

Parent: decode

Decide braille unicode characters to ascii

Parameters Required: message

- dna

Parent: decode

Decodes a string of DNA in 4 byte ACGT format.

Parameters Required: message

- hex

Parent: decode

Decode a hexadecimal sequence to text

Parameters Required: message


Play some amazing games

- tictactoe

Play Tictactoe with yourself or your friend!

Parameters Required: member

Usage: [prefix]tictactoe <other player.mention>

Aliases: tc

- connectfour

Play Amazing Connect Four Game

Parameters Required: member

Usage: [prefix]connectfour [other player.mention]

Aliases: connect_four, c4, cf

- hangman

Play Hangman!

Aliases: hg

- akinator

Play Akinator

Aliases: aki

- typeracer

Check your typing speed via a simple typeracer test

Aliases: wpm, typingspeed

- chatbot

Talk with me!

Aliases: cb

- reaction

Yum Yum or Yuck Yuck?


Display information from the periodic table of elements

- element

Display information about an element

Parameters Required: element, measurement

- elements

Display information about multiple elements

Parameters Required: elements

- ptable

Display a menu of all elements


Some random fun and usefull commands.

- braille

Parameters Required: user

- insult

Insult a user

Parameters Required: user

Usage: [prefix]insult <member.mention>

Aliases: takeitback

- owoify

Owoify the message

Parameters Required: text

Usage: [prefix]owoify {text}

- magic

See magic!

Parameters Required: user

- qr

Generates easy QR Code

Parameters Required: colour, url

- remind

A simple reminder

Parameters Required: time, reminder

Usage: [prefix]remind <time> <reminder> (Time needs to be in seconds...)

- sn

Introduce yourself to everyone

Parameters Required: name

Usage: [prefix]sn <name>

- tts

Generate text to speech messages

Parameters Required: text

Usage: [prefix]tts <text>

- show_color

Enter a color and you will see it!

Parameters Required: color

Usage: [prefix]show_color <hexadecimal colour code>

Aliases: color, colour, sc

- mystbin

Generate an Mystbin for yourself

Parameters Required: text

Usage: [prefix]mystbin <text>

Aliases: myst

- getmystbin

Get your Mystbi using your id

Parameters Required: id

Usage: [prefix]getmystbin <mystbin_id>

Aliases: getmyst

- 8ball

Ask questions about your future

Parameters Required: question

Usage: [prefix]8ball <question>


These set of commands are only locked to the developer

- dev

These set of commands are only locked to the developer

Parameters Required: command

- sharedservers

Parent: dev

Get a list of servers the bot shares with the user.

Parameters Required: user

Usage: [prefix]dev sharedservers <user>

- changestat

Parent: dev

Change the bot status

- stream

Parent: dev changestat

Streaming Activity

Parameters Required: activity

- game

Parent: dev changestat

Game Activity

Parameters Required: activity

- watching

Parent: dev changestat

Watching activity

Parameters Required: activity

- listening

Parent: dev changestat

Listenting Activity

Parameters Required: activity

- post_commands

Parent: dev

Posts commands to different botlist

Parameters Required: print_logs

Usage: [prefix]dev post_commands [print_logs]

Aliases: post_command

- createinvite

Parent: dev

Create an invite to the specified server

Parameters Required: guild

Usage: [prefix]dev createinvite <server ID>

- pretend

Parent: dev

Execute my commands pretending as others | usage: eg: )own as @Minato angel

Parameters Required: target, command_string

- eval

Parent: dev

Evaluates python code

Parameters Required: body

- post_stats

Parent: dev

Posts stats to different botlist

Parameters Required: print_logs

Usage: [prefix]dev post_stats [print_logs]

- sync

Parent: dev

Sync with GitHub and reload all the cogs


Helps you to organise a simple giveaway.

- giveaway

Allowes you to to create giveaway by answering some simple questions!

Aliases: gcreate, gcr, giftcr

- giftrrl

It picks out the giveaway winners

Parameters Required: giveaway_id

Usage: [prefix]giftrrl <giveaway id> [channel]

Aliases: gifreroll, gftroll, grr, giftroll, giveawayroll, giveaway_roll, reroll

- giftdel

Cancels the specified giveaway

Parameters Required: giveaway_id

Usage: [prefix]giftdel <giveaway id>

Aliases: gifdel, gftdel, gdl

Image Manipulation

Some fun Image Manipulation Commands

- wni

Prove that you are not sus!

Parameters Required: member

Usage: [prefix]wni [member.mention |]

- wi

Prove anyone that they are sus!

Parameters Required: member

Usage: [prefix]wi [member.mention |]

- triggered

Make anyone triggered

Parameters Required: member

Usage: [prefix]triggered [member.mention |]

- message

Send a fake Discord message

Parameters Required: member, text

Usage: [prefix]message [ |] <your.message>

- captcha

Captcha v3 Image mockup

Parameters Required: member, text

Usage: [prefix]captcha <member.mention, captcha.text>

- pixel

Pixallate your pfp

Parameters Required: member

Usage: [prefix]pixel [member.mention |]

- jail

Jail yourself or someone

Parameters Required: member

Usage: [prefix]jail [member.mention |]

- wanted

Get yourself or someone listed in Bingo Book

Parameters Required: member

Usage: [prefix]wanted [member.mention |]

- rainbow

Rainbow light effect

Parameters Required: member

Usage: [prefix]rainbow [member.mention |]

- gay

Seperate yourself/others and mark them/yourself as gay!

Parameters Required: member

Usage: [prefix]gay [member.mention |]

- trash

Puts trash into trashbin

Parameters Required: member

Usage: [prefix]trash [member.mention |]

- delete

Removes trash from bin

Parameters Required: member

Usage: [prefix]delete [member.mention |]

Aliases: delete_trash, dt

- angel

Be an Angel

Parameters Required: member

Usage: [prefix]angel [member.mention |]

- satan

Be the Devil

Parameters Required: member

Usage: [prefix]satan [member.mention |]

- charcoal

Get your pfp beautiful charcoal paint

Parameters Required: member

Usage: [prefix]charcoal [member.mention |]

Aliases: chp, chpaint, charcoal_paint, charcoalp

- hitler

Hail Hitler

Parameters Required: member

Usage: [prefix]hitler [member.mention |]

- wasted

GTA V wasted screen

Parameters Required: member

Usage: [prefix]wasted [member.mention |]

- bomb

Bomb someone

Parameters Required: member

Usage: [prefix]bomb [member.mention |]

- pat

Pat someone, UwU!

Parameters Required: member

Usage: [prefix]pat [member.mention |]

- spank

Spank someone

Parameters Required: member

Usage: [prefix]spank [member.mention |]

- slap

Slap someone

Parameters Required: member

Usage: [prefix]slap [member.mention |]

- hug

Hug someone

Parameters Required: member

Usage: [prefix]hug [member.mention |]

- poke

Poke someone

Parameters Required: member

Usage: [prefix]poke [member.mention |]

- high5

Do a highfive

Parameters Required: member

Usage: [prefix]high5 [member.mention |]

- party

Party with someone

Parameters Required: member

Usage: [prefix]party [member.mention |]


Create a backup for your server

- backup

Backup releated commands

Parameters Required: command

- apply

Parent: backup

Applies backup template to the server. This may take a lot of time.

Parameters Required: code

Usage: [prefix]backup apply <code>

- template

Parent: backup

Create a backup of this guild, (it backups only those channels which is visible to the bot)

Aliases: templates

- get

Parent: backup

Gets the json file which is stored as a backup

Parameters Required: code

Usage: [prefix]backup get <code>

- channellogs

Parent: backup

Creat a backup of all channel data as json files This might take a long time

Parameters Required: channel, send

Usage: [prefix]backup channellogs [channel.mention |]

Aliases: channelbackup

- delete

Parent: backup

Deletes the backup data if it is there in the database.

Parameters Required: args

Usage: [prefix]backup delete <args>

- serverlogs

Parent: backup

Creat a backup of all server data as json files This might take a long time

Aliases: serverbackup

- attachments

Parent: backup

Backups the attachement(s) of the specified channel or channel in which command was run

Parameters Required: channel

Usage: [prefix]backup attachments [channel.mention]


Some simple moderation commands

- setdelay

Sets Slowmode Of A Channel

Parameters Required: seconds

Usage: [prefix]setdelay <time in seconds>

- kick

A command which kicks a given user

Parameters Required: member, reason

Usage: [prefix]kick <user> [reason]

- ban

A command which bans a given user

Parameters Required: member, reason

Usage: [prefix]ban <user> [reason]

- banlist

Shows list of users who have been banned! Or position of a specified user who was banned!

Parameters Required: member

Usage: [prefix]banlist [ ,member.mention or]

- softban

Soft bans a member from the server.

Parameters Required: member, reason

- unban

Unbans a member from the server.

Parameters Required: member, reason

- ar

Adds a role to a given user

Parameters Required: member, role, reason

Usage: [prefix]ar <member.mention> <role>

- multiban

Bans multiple members from the server.

Parameters Required: members, reason

- massban

Mass bans multiple members from the server.

Parameters Required: args

- warn

Warn a user

Parameters Required: member, reason

Usage: [prefix]warn <member.mention> [optional: reason]

- warnlist

Get the no. of warns for a specified user

Parameters Required: member

Usage: [prefix]warnlist [member.mention]

- newusers

Tells you the newest members of the server.

Parameters Required: count

Usage: [prefix]newusers [count]

Aliases: newmembers

- cleanup

Cleans up the bot’s messages from the channel.

Parameters Required: search

- simeplepurge

A command which purges the channel it is called in

Parameters Required: amount

Usage: [prefix]simeplepurge [amount]

- remove

Removes messages that meet a criteria.

Aliases: purge

- custom

Parent: remove

A more advanced purge command.

Parameters Required: args

- bot

Parent: remove

Removes a bot user’s messages and messages with their optional prefix.

Parameters Required: prefix, search

Aliases: bots

- user

Parent: remove

Removes all messages by the member.

Parameters Required: member, search

- all

Parent: remove

Removes all messages.

Parameters Required: search

- emoji

Parent: remove

Removes all messages containing custom emoji.

Parameters Required: search

Aliases: emojis

- files

Parent: remove

Removes messages that have attachments in them.

Parameters Required: search

- embeds

Parent: remove

Removes messages that have embeds in them.

Parameters Required: search

- images

Parent: remove

Removes messages that have embeds or attachments.

Parameters Required: search

- reactions

Parent: remove

Removes all reactions from messages that have them.

Parameters Required: search

- contains

Parent: remove

Removes all messages containing a substring.

Parameters Required: substr

- timeout

Timeout the member for a specified duration of time

Parameters Required: duration, member, reason

Aliases: mute

- untimeout

Removes timeout from the member

Parameters Required: member, reason

Aliases: unmute

- voicemute

Mutes the members from all the voice channels

Parameters Required: member, reason

Aliases: vcmute

- voiceunmute

Unmutes the members all from the voice channels

Parameters Required: member, reason

Aliases: vcunmute

- serverdeafen

Deafens the member from all the voice channels

Parameters Required: member, reason

Aliases: serverdeaf

- serverundeafen

Un-deafen the member all from the server

Parameters Required: member, reason

Aliases: serverundeaf

- suppress

Suppresses the members from all the stage channels

Parameters Required: member, reason

Aliases: stagesuppress, stagemute

- unsuppress

Un-Suppresses the members from all the stage channels

Parameters Required: member, reason

Aliases: stageunsuppress, stageunmute

- lock

Locking Commands

- threadchannel

Parent: lock

Locks the specified thread channel(s), both member and bot required Manage Thread perms to operate

Parameters Required: channels

Usage: [prefix]lock threadchannel []

Aliases: thread

- textchannel

Parent: lock

Locks the specified text channel(s), both member and bot required Manage Channel perms to operate

Parameters Required: channels

Usage: [prefix]lock textchannel []

Aliases: text

- unlock

Unlocking Commands

- textchannel

Parent: unlock

Unlocks the specified text channel(s), both member and bot required Manage Channel perms to operate

Parameters Required: channels

Usage: [prefix]unlock textchannel []

Aliases: text

- threadchannel

Parent: unlock

Unlocks the thread channel in which the command was rrun, both member and bot required Manage Thread perms to operate

Usage: [prefix]unlock threadchannel []

Aliases: thread

- jointhread

Joins the specified thread

Parameters Required: channel

Aliases: threadjoin


Antiraid system commands to use

- raid

Controls raid mode on the server.

Aliases: raids, antiraid

- off

Parent: raid

Disables raid mode on the server.

Aliases: disable, disabled

- on

Parent: raid

Enables basic raid mode on the server.

Parameters Required: channel

Aliases: enable, enabled

- strict

Parent: raid

Enables strict raid mode on the server.

Parameters Required: channel

- mentionspam

Enables auto-banning accounts that spam mentions.

Parameters Required: count

- ignore

Parent: mentionspam

Specifies what channels ignore mentionspam auto-bans.

Parameters Required: channels

Aliases: bypass

- unignore

Parent: mentionspam

Specifies what channels to take off the ignore list.

Parameters Required: channels

Aliases: protect

Server Setup

Do some necessary setup through an interactive mode.

- setup

This commands setups some logging system for system for server with some nice features

- starboard

Parent: setup

Setups the starboard in your server.

Parameters Required: channel, no_of_stars, self_star, ignore_nsfw

Usage: [prefix]setup starboard <channel> [no_of_stars] [self_star] [ignore_nsfw]

- add

Parent: setup

This command adds logging of the following things in the specified text channel

Parameters Required: add_type, channel

Usage: [prefix]setup add <add_type> <textchannel>

- support

Parent: setup

Creates a public support system in an interactive manner.

Parameters Required: textchannel, support_required_role

Usage: [prefix]setup support <textchannel.mention> <support_required_role>

Parent: setup

If enabled then it checks against any scam, phishing or adult links which is posted by members and take actions accordingly

Parameters Required: action, logging_channel, option

Usage: [prefix]setup badlinks <option> [action] [logging_channel]

- raw_data

It returns the raw data which is stored in the database in the form of json

- deletedata

This command deletes the available data:

Parameters Required: type_data

Usage: [prefix]deletedata [type_data]

Reaction Roles

Setup some reaction roles

- rr

Reaction Roles releated commands

Parameters Required: command

Aliases: reaction_roles

- delete_reaction_roles

Parent: rr

It deletes the reaction roles

Parameters Required: reaction_roles_id

Usage: [prefix]rr delete_reaction_roles <reaction_roles_id aka

Aliases: del_rr

- new

Parent: rr

Create a new reaction role using some interactive setup.

Aliases: create


Create fun fake badges based on your discord profile

- badges

Creates a fun fake badge based on your discord profile

Parameters Required: badge

Aliases: badge

- gbadges

Creates a fun fake gif badge based on your discord profile

Parameters Required: badge

Aliases: gbadge

- listbadges

List the available badges that can be created


Listen to some soothing music!

- join

Joins the voice channel

- leave

Disconnects from a voice channel

- play

Plays the requested music

Parameters Required: url

Usage: [prefix]play <music.url |>

- pause

Pauses the current music playing

- resume

Resumes music

- stop

Stops the Music Player

- loop

Iterates the current playing song

- queue

Displays the songs queue

- np

Gives info about current playing song

- skip

Skips the current playing song

- volume

Changes the volume for the current song

Parameters Required: vol

Usage: [prefix]volume <value between 1-100>

Aliases: vol

- remove_song

Song the specified song using its index value

Parameters Required: index

Usage: [prefix]remove_song <song.index.value>


The frontend subclass that mixes in to form the final Jishaku cog.

- pip

Parent: jishaku

Shortcut for ‘jsk sh pip’. Invokes the system shell.

Parameters Required: argument

- show

Parent: jishaku

Shows Jishaku in the help command.

- repeat

Parent: jishaku

Runs a command multiple times in a row.

Parameters Required: times, command_string

- tasks

Parent: jishaku

Shows the currently running jishaku tasks.

- override

Parent: jishaku

Run a command with a different user, channel, or thread, optionally bypassing checks and cooldowns.

Parameters Required: overrides, command_string

Aliases: execute, exec, override!, execute!, exec!

- cancel

Parent: jishaku

Cancels a task with the given index.

Parameters Required: index

- load

Parent: jishaku

Loads or reloads the given extension names.

Parameters Required: extensions

Aliases: reload

- debug

Parent: jishaku

Run a command timing execution and catching exceptions.

Parameters Required: command_string

Aliases: dbg

- cat

Parent: jishaku

Read out a file, using syntax highlighting if detected.

Parameters Required: argument

- source

Parent: jishaku

Displays the source code for a command.

Parameters Required: command_name

Aliases: src

- invite

Parent: jishaku

Retrieve the invite URL for this bot.

Parameters Required: perms

- shutdown

Parent: jishaku

Logs this bot out.

Aliases: logout

- rtt

Parent: jishaku

Calculates Round-Trip Time to the API.

Aliases: ping

- curl

Parent: jishaku

Download and display a text file from the internet.

Parameters Required: url

- retain

Parent: jishaku

Turn variable retention for REPL on or off.

Parameters Required: toggle

- permtrace

Parent: jishaku

Calculates the source of granted or rejected permissions.

Parameters Required: channel, targets

- py

Parent: jishaku

Direct evaluation of Python code.

Parameters Required: argument

Aliases: python

- ast

Parent: jishaku

Disassemble Python code into AST.

Parameters Required: argument

- py_inspect

Parent: jishaku

Evaluation of Python code with inspect information.

Parameters Required: argument

Aliases: pyi, python_inspect, pythoninspect

- dis

Parent: jishaku

Disassemble Python code into bytecode.

Parameters Required: argument

Aliases: disassemble

- voice

Parent: jishaku

Voice-related commands.

Aliases: vc

- resume

Parent: jishaku voice

Resumes a running audio source, if there is one.

- disconnect

Parent: jishaku voice

Disconnects from the voice channel in this guild, if there is one.

Aliases: dc

- volume

Parent: jishaku voice

Adjusts the volume of an audio source if it is supported.

Parameters Required: percentage

- play

Parent: jishaku voice

Plays audio direct from a URI.

Parameters Required: uri

Aliases: play_local

- join

Parent: jishaku voice

Joins a voice channel, or moves to it if already connected.

Parameters Required: destination

Aliases: connect

- stop

Parent: jishaku voice

Stops running an audio source, if there is one.

- youtube_dl

Parent: jishaku voice

Plays audio from youtube_dl-compatible sources.

Parameters Required: url

Aliases: youtubedl, ytdl, yt

- pause

Parent: jishaku voice

Pauses a running audio source, if there is one.

- git

Parent: jishaku

Shortcut for ‘jsk sh git’. Invokes the system shell.

Parameters Required: argument

- hide

Parent: jishaku

Hides Jishaku from the help command.

- shell

Parent: jishaku

Executes statements in the system shell.

Parameters Required: argument

Aliases: bash, sh, powershell, ps1, ps, cmd, terminal

- unload

Parent: jishaku

Unloads the given extension names.

Parameters Required: extensions

Last update: December 18, 2022
Created: November 28, 2021